Today is our Chilean Cuisine National Day. It started a few years ago, and people gathered in the different places to taste and enjoy the fruit of our soil/ocean. As a celebration, several blogger friends have agreed to post one dish that would represent our food. Being so many miles away from my country, it makes me long for those unique flavors that I grew up with. Seafood was one of them. Lots of flavors, textures, smells that cannot be replaced when you are not home.
The recipe I want to share with you today, came from one of my friends. Her name is Angelica Bertin from "Cocina Chilena". This dish is divine. It's called "Curanto en olla". Basically is a bunch of shellfish, poultry, pork, sausages, potatoes cooked all together with wine in a sealed pot. Again, if you love seafood... you will totally love this dish! Enjoy!!
5 lb. shellfish (mussels, clams, any kind that comes with shell)
4 pieces of chicken (dark meat has more flavor)
4 Whole Red or Golden Potatoes
4 pieces of smoked pork ribs (I used regular back ribs)
2 large pieces of sausage or 4 medium ones (I used smoked sausage)
500 cc white wine (I used Chardonnay)
1 sweet onion cut in 8 wedges
2 garlic cloves (smashed)
1 small green bell pepper
1 wet kitchen towel (not dripping)
Wash and clean up the shellfish. In a large deep pot start adding the ingredients following this order:
Start by putting a layer of the vegetables (onions, bell pepper and garlic). Then, add half of the shellfish. Top the seafood with the sausages. Layer the ribs on top and lastly the chicken. Finish it by adding the potatoes and the rest of the seafood. Drizzle the wine all over the pot and seal it with the kitchen towel. Put the lead on and cook at medium low heat for about 45 minutes. Since my pot was filled up to the top and I have an electric stove, I had to cook my Curanto for about 1 hour and 15 minutes instead (to make sure that the meats were all cooked through). Uncover and start plating.

Source: Recipe Courtesy of Angelica Bertin from "Cocina Chilena" (Adapted)
Este curanto se ve maravilloso, como si lo hubieras hecho aquí mismo.
Pusiste tu corazón en él.
Que maravilla! Yo también quiero hacerlo, y ahora tengo mas ganas todavía.
Amiga gracias por hacer mi receta
Te quedo muy lindo el plato espero que lo hayas disfrutado
un beso y que disfrutes de un hermoso fin de semana
Te pasaste, media pega que te dimos... espero no haya sido muy dificil encontrar por allá los ingredientes.
Quedó fantastico. SUpongo lo hicieron rechupete!
Gracias por sumarte!
Annie, muchas gracias!!!
Pilar, te lo recomiendo!!
Angelica, mi gringo le hizo chupete!!
Anabella, gracias por invitarme a participar. Mi marido fue el mas feliz de todos!! :D
què delicia de curanto, te ha quedado espectacular!!! un abrazo de tu compatriota en Italia! besotes
Muchas gracias por tu comentario!!! Un abrazo desde Birmingham, Al!!!
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