8 large idaho potatoes
1 large carrot
1 small bunch of cilantro
1/2 onion, minced
1 large lemon
3 boiled eggs, cut in chunks
1 cup mayo
Salt and Pepper to taste
Wash the potatoes and the carrot. Put them in a big pot with cold water and one tablespoon of salt under medium-high heat. Boil and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. This timing will vary depending on the size of the potatoes. So you might need to check them inserting a knife to check for the desired texture.
Once the potatoes are cooked, rinse them immediately with cold water and let them cool under it for a while. Peal them and cut into chunks. Peal the carrot and cut it into small chunks too.
In a big mixing bowl, put the potatoes and carrot. Add the minced cilantro, onion and eggs. Season with salt and pepper and the juice of the lemon. Add the mayo and stir everything very smoothly to prevent smashing the potatoes. Pour the salad onto a salad platter and let it chill until you serve.
Yields: 12 big portions
1 comment:
I'm making my Diesiocho dinner early to enjoy with friends tonight. was looking for the perfect "ensalada de papas" Thanks for the recipe! I'm so excited to see your other chilean recipes! Are you from Chile? I am american but moved there when i was 4 and was raised there. I Love todo chileno!
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