I am a week behind with this post since I was out of town and my computer was dead last week too. I come from a family where homemade cookies weren't a gift, so if we ever want some cookies we would just go to the store and get them. So, whenever I face a cookie challenge I have to breath twice before I make them, considering my inexperience.
This past challenge of Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) was chosen by Noskos of Living the Life: Linzer Sablés. They are buttery, lightly spiced sandwich cookies filled with jam. As I am not a jam fun, I switched it for Dulce de Leche.
As a new cookie baker, I was very pleased with the recipe. It is a very easy dough to work with and after being refrigerated for a couple hours it's absolutely a delight to cut it into shapes. Since I didn't have any cookie cutter on hand for this challenge (I'll go shopping today :S), I used my regular biscuit cutter and for the little whole in the center I used the end of piping tip as the book suggested. It was also de first time I used some almond meal in a dough.
The flavor of the cookies are well blended and soft. If you want them more spice then you'll have to increase the ground cloves amount. In my case, my cookies were close to the crunchy side instead of the soft one, since I made them like sandwich 1/4'' of thickness was a little bit to much for me, so I made them thiner.
If you want to try this goodies, you can find the recipe at "Baking from my home to yours" by Dorie Greenspan on pages 134 to 136.
Yeah, these sables were fantastic! Yours look delicious!
Dolche la leche looks great to me. I am not a jam fan either, so this is a great alternative. Great cookies.
These are so pretty! If they taste half as good as they look, they must be delicious! You have a gift for baking/cooking, my friend!
I have never made linzer cookies, I have always wanted to, so you have inspired me. Your cookies look super.
Wonderful looking cookies and your pineapple cake looks amazing!
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